Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Taste of Africa

I thought I would post some random pictures to give you a little taste of what Niger is all about. These are things that would be considered normal, or common in Niamey... ENJOY!!!

I'm not 100% certain, but I believe this photo could be entitled "Moving Day in Niger". People would pile everything and anything on the top of their vehicles to get it from point A to point B. I think this would be typical of someone who is moving, not an everyday occurrence for the average person. But, I even saw goats on roof one time! Not to mention the inside of the vehicle probably has 10-15 people inside it as well!!!!!

I took this picture as the truck was driving past us. Yes, you heard me....this truck is driving. Like that. How he can see out the window...I'm just not sure.

The temperature some days was just unbearable. Almost painful. You see it right. 50 degrees Celsius. OUTSIDE. Yes, that is where we spent most of our time. Outside. I can't even describe the heat. Just stick your head in the oven at 350...and you will catch a glimpse of what we felt. (I'm just kidding...please don't actually do that!!!!!!)

This is a typical "Home Hardware" or "Home Depot". Piles of wood tied together. Nothing matches.

Here is a typical store in Niger. You can get food or...well I'm not really sure what else. But these things are just on the side of the road, and that is close to as good as it gets for a store.

People ride on the top of vehicles, on the sides of vehicles, on the backs or fronts of vehicles! Pretty much anywhere they can fit their bums.
And this of course is MORE than common. Everyone has amazing balance and can carry absolutely anything on their head. It was so amazing to see.


Bonnie said...

LOOOOOVE the pictures Hailey!! Definitely VERY typical things of the African people :) Glad you guys got such a great "taste" of Africa!
Miss you!

PS: Are you gonna get together with Jen and Leah and I next weekend for coffee? Leah and I will be in Eddy from LATE Thursday night to Sunday afternoon.

Danish Dame said...

you better be getting together with us! I just got really excited to be in Edmonton. cant wait cant wait cant wait!

anyways the pictures were REALLY cool! I check yours everyday just to see new pics from africa.

i know i still owe you an email. im brutal i know. hope everything is great! Say hi to Danny!

miss YOU

Anonymous said...

Very cool Hailey girl. Very cool. I especially like the one of the van with almost another van's worth of stuff on the top. Genius.

NIGER1.COM said...


j e r e m i a h 15:16

"As your words came to me I drank them in, and they filled my heart with joy and happiness because I belong to you. "