Saturday, June 30, 2007

i am danny, hear me roar.



Bonnie said...

I don't get this one. Perhaps its the lack of...oh...I don't know....EXPLANATION!??! :) Why is Danny "roaring?" ...haha...
Anyway...hope Danny's birthday was spectacular on Monday! Love you both heaps and heaps.

hailey said...

haha YES! Bonnie, this post comes out of the fact that I have been bugging Danny to blog SOMETHING, ANYTHING. I guess I should be more specific next time. Like say, maybe blog something that makes ANY SENSE AT ALL! Yeah, that's Danny for you. My little smart alec! He giggled his head off after he posted that. What a punk!!!! LOVE YOU TOO!

j e r e m i a h 15:16

"As your words came to me I drank them in, and they filled my heart with joy and happiness because I belong to you. "