Life for us Taylor’s has had its ups and downs this past month, but considering the circumstances we both are in pretty good spirits. March started off to be a delight - filled with birthday goodness. Ruth Anne and Lani from our small group shared a birthday one week so we surprised them with enough cake to feed a small village. (Delicious rainbow chip icing was involved. Only the very best.) And we all indulged in a rather large potluck too. Our small group is seriously awesome- I just have to put this in writing, because we have grown to be about 25 people this year, and I can honestly say I love everyone in our group, and all their opinions and experience they bring to group dynamic.
Birthday celebration numero dos, was a small James Bond fiasco that Danny and I threw at our place for our friend and new dad, Chad. Danny and Chad got on this James Bond kick with the new James Bond that came out a couple months ago – eagerly talking about how cool James Bond is and attempting to do the ‘James Bond’ face that makes you look tough, but not like you are trying too hard. I admit it though…I agree with them- James Bond is a total stud.
Next on the agenda was a trip to Westbank (just outside Kelowna), to visit Danny’s Grandma. The paparazzi came (or maybe it was just me) and caught some great shots of my man as he drove. Here is one of my favorites.
This trip was MORE than relaxing. The first night I slept 11 hours, which I honestly keep thinking about. That’s one of those things on my mind right now… how much I struggle between looooving sleep and loathing the fact that my days go by so fast and I don’t like to waste my time sleeping. I feel like if I could, I would stay up 24 hours and just do things I love to do. But then again there is just nothing like a good nights sleep.
Our trip was pretty chill, enjoying the gorgeous weather, a garage sale, skip bo, eaaating, chats, a lakeside walk, movie date, and lots of coffee and toast with jam.
A few days after we got home Danny and I had to say our goodbyes (to each other) as he left for the big city… Edmonton. For surgery. A big fat pin was removed from his leg involving major surgery and he got the same guy who put it in years ago to take it out. Due to a snowboarding wipe out 2 years ago, the pin has been bugging him (ever since), so he felt it was time to remove that bad boy. It was a long 11 days that he was gone but we both survived…and I think the time apart was actually really good for us. He is recovering well and I feel like it is an honest miracle how quickly he is healing. An amazing blessing for sure. He’s still in a lot of pain, but my man is strong.
While he was gone I managed to keep myself a little too busy looking back. I had only ONE night to myself. I had all these grandiose plans to watch all of my favorite chick flicks, read, journal, etc, but people were just lovin on me too much, making sure I didn’t spend a moment alone…
Seeing as I had an empty house one morning I hosted Laura’s birthday brunch at my place where we all cooked and ate for hours and hours, eating pancakes and muffins and drinking coffee.
Bonding is always a must – which is why our small group decided to hit up the local bowling alley one Wednesday, where 16 of us attempted to play a rather decent game. And let me tell you. I’m not as good as I used to be. Or as good as I thought I used to be. I literally at one point almost tipped over, or joined the ball down the lane (depending on where you were standing). I decided my form was bad and was getting frustrated with my lack of skill so I decided to run with the ball and then let go and see what happens. I don’t recommend this move.