February was SUCH a good month reflecting back. Life right now...is good. With Danny, finding community, living in Vancouver, my job is great. All is well. I had a weird week of random "depression" in there, (for lack of a better word)... and no it wasn't the weather. Just some things adding up to make me not my normal self.
But I am back to normal now though. Even though my normal is probably not normal at all. ha. Anyways, FEBRUARY. Let's get this show started. Well the month started out with chaos... snowboarding with friends, delicious dinners, games night, 3 girls staying in our spare bedroom (sister Darla and 2 friends for 2 weeks), baby showers-galore, and concerts...one of them in Seattle. Once again a short trip to Seattle was had. (Less than 14 hours long.) But this wasn't just any trip, or concert.
This was Greg Laswell. Currently my favorite artist of all time - I can't tell you what an unreal time it was to see him. He's amazing.
But since it was such a short trip and on a Wednesday night I checked if my work could hook us up with a hotel...and they did! On the stipulation that I will write a travel blog review on my stay. Since when am I a hotel reviewer? Ya you know I still ask myself how I am the primary writer for our website. I can't write. But I do. I fake it. My hotel review went live our website on Friday too. Ugh, there is no turning back. We stayed at Seattle's only waterfront hotel-where the BEATLES stayed on their tour in the 60's - Super cool. (Dont want to write the hotel name on here incase the hotel searches-ha)
Anyways, the hotel was great. The GM wanted to treat us to dinner...so of course we accepted! There were so many courses to this meal, I've currently lost track. The most amazing lobster mac and cheese I have EVER EVER had. And I don't even eat lobster. But just to give you a glimpse of how 'un-fine dining' my personality is... I had a bit of an embarrassing blip....
we picked a bottle of white wine
server comes and opens it at the table and pours some in my glass
i am just chatting chatting chatting. to her, to danny. chat chat chat.
she stays standing at our table for what feels like 5 minutes, thinking back.
danny: "uh hailey, i think she wants you to taste the wine"
hailey: "oh right"
'slurp' (all eyes on me)
hailey: "tastes great" (nervous laugh)
hmmm, turns out they want you to tell them if its good or not. i knew this. but you see the thing is... even if it wasn't "great" i wouldn't know. unless of course it tastes like poison. then i would say something. but i mean. i just dont drink enough to know these things.
So continuing on with the meal...We had all these foodie things brought out for us because the server thought "you might like this", then... "thought you might like this as well","oh and this too..." The GM even brought out a another 'special wine' for us that he thought went 'best' with both our meal choices...and then he brought the chef out to meet me as well. Oh man. This was a lot to take in. I'm just Hailey...you really don't know how unimportant I am. So after that...we were full. Full with food, and very impressed with the very very kind staff. Then we took a cab to the concert (due to the wine)...and YES- the concert was AMAZZZZING. A good way to start off the month.
(When we arrived at our hotel, the sun was setting and it was so cool to be right on the water. You could literally hear the water lapping on the property.)

The next morning I was sleepy. Still in awe of such a great night at the show. But it was time to take on the day...
On our way home we stopped at Top Pot- a delicious coffee and doughnut joint...With a cool bookshelf. Love it. (I would LOVE to have one of these in our future home.) I had to be back at work for noon so I needed coffee. After a late night and a drive ahead of us. It was needed.

This shot below is my "you just won a million dollars!" face. (We try to keep ourselves entertained as we drive) I'm holding back a little you may notice though, because well...to be honest, I'm not sure I'd really want to win a million dollars. I feel like it would turn me into a monster.

This is Danny trying to eat a car. I took probably 40 pictures of him doing this. I was laughing so hard I couldn't really get any good ones.

Our friend Chris is the captain of the UBC bball team so we have been going to MANY of his games this year. I have been loving every minute of it. I love watching goooood basketball, live. Such fun. And Chris, man he's like a champion. Definitely the best player on the team, and you would never guess it by how he talks about it. I thought he was just "some player"...until I saw him play...and found out he was the captain. They are in Ottawa right now playing at nationals. HOLLA. Go UBC!

After the game we went to this cute pub near 4th Ave that had a live band that played Jack Johnson and Bedouin Soundclash and other chill tunes. I love hearing live music. It always makes things better.

And next was...Valentine's Day.
Danny...what did you get me? OH MY GOSH. You know, this pic below, I kind of look dazed a bit. And that is because my man...Well he did well this year. I am not trying to brag I assure you, but I have to give my boy props. There is only one thing that can come in a creamy turquoise box. TIFFANY'S! (I actually started to cry.) Most people don't know this about me... because I am not the most fancy materialistic person you'll ever meet...but I ADORE Tiffany's. I am on the website all the time, just looking at everything - the glorious jewels, over and over. I just love it all. And I NEVER in a million years thought Danny would actually buy me something from there. But he did. A beautiful bracelet.
My day started off with Danny making me breakfast, which if you know Danny, this is a big deal for him to be cooking. Then we headed off to a planned day by him. A walk at the beach, Confessions of a Shopaholic Movie (yes he suffered through that for me), indulging in a delicious Nutella Crepe, and then a delightful meal at a cute candle-lit bistro.

The day after Valentine's was even more fun! We went with the crew (Darla, Jodi, and Kyla) to Wreck Beach-the nude beach of Vancouver...although you would think in Feb, there would be no nudies out. We go to see the ocean, and the views. Not to be nude. And honestly, its Feb. What could we possibly see? Oh no. We were wrong. Right at the bottom of the mini hike to get to the beach there is an old man. Just naked. You learn to quickly look away before you've seen more than you actually want to. The color of skin suddenly screams "look away, look away!"

We then decided to bike the seawall tandem style. Oh yeah. Danny rode solo (and took photos) as Kyla and I attempted to coordinate our legs on the bike. The day was absolutely stunning. Sunny and beautiful. Who said helmets aren't cool?

My month ended off with a concert I have been looking forward to for the whole month. A friend introduced me to this band a while ago, and I have recently come to appreciate their genius new album. They are called The Annuals - and yeah...they really are rad. The show was so small...there were probably only 30 of us, but that made it even more cool because we got to enjoy what felt like a private show. My hero is the only female artist in the band, Anna, who is amazing on the piano, and has an unreal voice. Seriously. She is cool.

Stay tuned for March. We bought a new camera! SO I am hoping for some more good shots!!! HOLLA!
The next morning I was sleepy. Still in awe of such a great night at the show. But it was time to take on the day...
This shot below is my "you just won a million dollars!" face. (We try to keep ourselves entertained as we drive) I'm holding back a little you may notice though, because well...to be honest, I'm not sure I'd really want to win a million dollars. I feel like it would turn me into a monster.
This is Danny trying to eat a car. I took probably 40 pictures of him doing this. I was laughing so hard I couldn't really get any good ones.
Our friend Chris is the captain of the UBC bball team so we have been going to MANY of his games this year. I have been loving every minute of it. I love watching goooood basketball, live. Such fun. And Chris, man he's like a champion. Definitely the best player on the team, and you would never guess it by how he talks about it. I thought he was just "some player"...until I saw him play...and found out he was the captain. They are in Ottawa right now playing at nationals. HOLLA. Go UBC!
After the game we went to this cute pub near 4th Ave that had a live band that played Jack Johnson and Bedouin Soundclash and other chill tunes. I love hearing live music. It always makes things better.
And next was...Valentine's Day.
The day after Valentine's was even more fun! We went with the crew (Darla, Jodi, and Kyla) to Wreck Beach-the nude beach of Vancouver...although you would think in Feb, there would be no nudies out. We go to see the ocean, and the views. Not to be nude. And honestly, its Feb. What could we possibly see? Oh no. We were wrong. Right at the bottom of the mini hike to get to the beach there is an old man. Just naked. You learn to quickly look away before you've seen more than you actually want to. The color of skin suddenly screams "look away, look away!"
We then decided to bike the seawall tandem style. Oh yeah. Danny rode solo (and took photos) as Kyla and I attempted to coordinate our legs on the bike. The day was absolutely stunning. Sunny and beautiful. Who said helmets aren't cool?
My month ended off with a concert I have been looking forward to for the whole month. A friend introduced me to this band a while ago, and I have recently come to appreciate their genius new album. They are called The Annuals - and yeah...they really are rad. The show was so small...there were probably only 30 of us, but that made it even more cool because we got to enjoy what felt like a private show. My hero is the only female artist in the band, Anna, who is amazing on the piano, and has an unreal voice. Seriously. She is cool.
Stay tuned for March. We bought a new camera! SO I am hoping for some more good shots!!! HOLLA!